Battlefield Hardline Goes Open Beta On PC

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I played couple hours on beta and it's NOTHING like cops vs robbers...

you can't arrest, there's no planning, no difference in gameplay compared to Battlefield 3 and 4, and no different than any other twitch shooters...

if you want to play as real robbers, go play Payday 2...awesome co-op game and you can go in shooting or for more reward, go full stealth
This is excellent news. Once this comes out in October, I'll begin looking to purchase Battlefield 4 for a sane price. After paying $110 for BF3, I've decided I'm better off staying one Battlefield game behind and saving myself the money.

And why not? EA owns it. I'll never have to wait long as long as there's profit available for them to push out another sequel.
leave it to EA and DICE to give the "beta" name to a game obviousy in "Alpha". that game is in such a buggy state that I dont even know how they dared to show it at e3 for people to play. open beta should be for fixing and testing a game thats near finished. Also dont like that EA is releasing a new battlefield already. I, like so many other people would have preffered to see the next battlefield at least in late 2015 featuring B Company.

Yeah... That full price thing is definitely a sore spot to me for something that's a mod. They want $70 for pre-order!?!?
The good thing is I still have a lot to do in BF4 so I won't even be looking at buying another game until Hardline hits around the $25 mark.

This game should run around $40 at most since I'm sure they'll want a premium buy-in of an additional $30-$40.
I've been playing the Battlefield Hardline beta on PC and have totally loved it. I love the zip line and the cars and motorcycles are great fun. Definitely will be buying this for PC when it comes out!
ok lets get a few things straight since almost none of this is not right.

The games "net code" as people have called it has been rehased and now features a higher tick rate since it has a smaller player count. yes bullets are starting to hit the targets but it still has problems when the game hits a high stride.

You can arrest people my melee them in the back and then intarogate them. Best way is to taser them and knock them out. The gameplay is as, if not faster than BF4.

It also has one bug that I can report as of right now. Sound will randomly spike and get fuzzy for about 5 seconds. Only people that seem to be having video problems have Nvidia cards.

The game personaly looks ugly, the same sound engine is reused from BF4 so good luck hearing the shot and the direction its coming from, and it still has the worst spawn system of any game Ive ever played. Fighting one guy well congrats his entire squad just spawned infront of you. Another beef I have with the game is the armored truck is aparently a tank with reactive armor, since it takes 4-5 shots from a RPG to take one out.

All in all the beta is fun and its a blast to play. Now if they introduced hostage rescue and bomb planting it would be the next counter strike.
Played it, don't like it. Counter strike is way better IMO.
But I must say it was very stable for me (not a single crash) and the framerate isn't bad either.
And I'm not really good at it (takes half an hour just to get to the battlefield where you get insta-killed by someone with P-90) or it might just be that the weapons I have are still kinda crap.
Graphics are nice but nothing new and they dont really matter that much anyways.

Basiclly what you'll be playing is bf bc2 set in miami. The whole gameplay reminds me of Bad Boys (movie) but it really shouldn't for battlefield.
If you want more info PM me.

Yeah... That full price thing is definitely a sore spot to me for something that's a mod. They want $70 for pre-order!?!?
The good thing is I still have a lot to do in BF4 so I won't even be looking at buying another game until Hardline hits around the $25 mark.

This game should run around $40 at most since I'm sure they'll want a premium buy-in of an addition $30-$40.

What would be funny is if they introduce game modes in BF4 with some DLC update similar to those we see in Hardline. Instead of being all about stealing and recovering the cash, it would be something like steal / recover weapons from a weapon cache and bring it back to some operation point or pick up the hostages and bring them to a safe zone.

I like playing hardline, but I can't really justify spending $70 for something so similar to BF4 with smaller maps.

For people who have never played BFH or BF4, I'd still suggest getting BF4 because the content is already so vast. There is something like 150 different guns you can use in BF4. The maps are giant.

I'd say if you're already playing BF4 and you haven't already unlocked all the unlocks and haven't gotten to level 110, just keep playing it. Hardline doesn't really offer anything unique with the exception of the couple of game modes in the beta and a change of scenery. Now if they start offering some really unique game modes that work and other realistic maps of big cities where crime is rampant (Detroit, D.C., Chicago, etc...), I might reconsider.
sounds to me like dice wanted to do a different game , but EA insisted on slapping the "battle field" name on it to cash in. Sorry "cops and robber's" is not battle field. Hell and i'd argue that the battle field series in general has gone to crap any way. its just become another CoD despite predating CoD. What's next Battle field: barbie bakery? it would appeal to girl gamers and could sell an unrelated game to BF fans.

And would be $90 for premium.
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