Beast Gaming PC Slow Start Up


Oct 29, 2017
I have had this problem since windows 8 and i recently upgraded to ten thinking it would fix the speed of my pc startup, it didnt change a thing. i have a I7-4790k 16gb of nice ram and a gtx 970 and the other specs are good aswell. any ideas on to why my computer takes 8 minutes to fully sartup and be functionally and why my friends pc with a 670 and a I5 starts up ten times faster then me? thanks 😀

my comp is slower than his and mine starts in 40 seconds. 8 minutes to startup wont be fixed with buying a ssd.

8 minutes is too long, even for a hdd. With SSDs expect start ups 8-30 seconds, depending on just how much crap you are loading up at windows startup. With HDD's you should be 2-5 minutes at worst.

Swapping OS is a start, but since there's no change, it's elsewhere. I'd suggest you install the last bios update for your mobo, and update audio/Lan mobo drivers. Since you have win10 registered, I'd use CCleaner and run it several times as well as using tools-registry cleaner. You can set it to remove all the win.old files as well, which is all the old win8 files that do nothing but take up space. I'd also do a good search of your startup stuff and either disable things that really don't need immediate loading, like Adobe etc, or set for timed loading after windows is fully booted.
I'd also run malwarebytes or hitman-pro (add root kits) for anything that could be causing issues.

Samsung 840pro, i7-3770K @4.6GHz. Cold boot-internet 23 seconds. That's with hibernation/fastboot removed.

how do i update lan and audio mobo drivers

just wait. dont go diving into mobo drivers yet. do the normal things like uninstall unwanted programs, msconfig---->startup to choose which programs startup with your installation of windows.check the system tray to see what is running and shut it down,,,,the programs that are automatically started. too many instances of AV software. at most run 1 realtime scanner and windows defender is good enough. just be diligent and check your hardrive space.


how would i move my OS to a SSD?