Hello guys i have a requirement for a gaming desktop which will handle gaming like a champ and will sometimes do a little maya and photo shop and premier here and there but basically for gaming.
Now for the budget i have is 50,000 rupees with a monitor now i know its low for a beast but i wanna keep it that way so i can later go for a i7 6700k and so for the time being i am thinking to go with a 1070 gtx for my build making it future proof. So please provide me with a build with monitor.
I know its a lot to ask but all the help would be awesome... thanks in advance
Now for the budget i have is 50,000 rupees with a monitor now i know its low for a beast but i wanna keep it that way so i can later go for a i7 6700k and so for the time being i am thinking to go with a 1070 gtx for my build making it future proof. So please provide me with a build with monitor.
I know its a lot to ask but all the help would be awesome... thanks in advance