Beeping noise coming from friends computer.


Feb 25, 2016
Alright, so my friend is having a problem where his computer gets extremely hot for unknown reasons (his cpu fan has never been a problem over the months but that could be the problem) and at the same time, has steady beeping noises constantly coming from his headphones. He said that he pretty much can't control his computer at all with his mouse because it just doesn't move on the screen as if it was frozen.
if you can get into windows download hdtune then read the hard drive health screen for failure or warnings. run malware bytes and hitman pro make sure pc is clean. make sure audio cables and power cables not tuching or going into gpu or cpu fan.
Beeping in the headphones doesn't make sense. I never heard of that in 15+ years of computer building/repair. a beep from the motherboard sure, but not from the audio jack.

Not enough info to go on to really get into what might be the issue. Sounds like you got into windows and its very slow. that could be a number of things from memory erroring out, to the CPU overheating and downclocking or the hard drive is going. makes it look like its freezing because it is trying to read bad sectors. I would suggest opening up the computer and giving it a once over to make sure the CPU fan is still spinning.

Jump into the bios and see what the CPU temp is and also boot a Memtest86 disk to test your ram. that should narrow down the problem.
if you can get into windows download hdtune then read the hard drive health screen for failure or warnings. run malware bytes and hitman pro make sure pc is clean. make sure audio cables and power cables not tuching or going into gpu or cpu fan.