Beginner Gaming PC


May 30, 2015
I created a thread before about a good beginner PC that wouldn't break the bank. It was helpful but only got links for components to build a PC. I'm not really interested in building my first gaming PC. So I was wondering what a good starting gaming PC would be to buy, not build, for under $700.

Thank you!!
As far as buying an off-shelf PC for gaming for $700, your options are kind of limited. You could go on Craigslist and look for someone selling their gaming PC and buy it that way (already built). I've seen some screaming deals (a $1200 PC selling for $650, no joke). If you aren't comfortable buying used PC hardware, then like I said, your options are limited. Most new PC's come with either iGPU's (built into the CPU) or on-board graphics, or low-end graphics cards which aren't good for gaming. That's why most everyone builds their PC's because it's a better deal for the components because you're buying them close to wholesale prices sometimes when OEM builders pass on markups to you for inferior components. You can build a decent PC...
As far as buying an off-shelf PC for gaming for $700, your options are kind of limited. You could go on Craigslist and look for someone selling their gaming PC and buy it that way (already built). I've seen some screaming deals (a $1200 PC selling for $650, no joke). If you aren't comfortable buying used PC hardware, then like I said, your options are limited. Most new PC's come with either iGPU's (built into the CPU) or on-board graphics, or low-end graphics cards which aren't good for gaming. That's why most everyone builds their PC's because it's a better deal for the components because you're buying them close to wholesale prices sometimes when OEM builders pass on markups to you for inferior components. You can build a decent PC that will play most all games (some at full HD with medium resolution) for $700. This one will get you in the door:

You can't do much better than that for around $700 for a dedicated gaming machine. Plus it's upgradeable if you ever wanted to. Off-shelf high-end gaming boxes run $1,100 to $1,300.