Beginner having trouble finding the right memory upgrade


Jan 12, 2015
I have a Lenovo H410 with the specs shown below. I Ordered 2x4GB=8GB of THIS, but it isnt working. The computer just goes into a constant power up/power down cycle. Can anyone please let me know the correct RAM to upgrade to 8GB using both of the available slots?? Motherboard says Lenovo L-IG41M2 v1.0.
Currently both slots filled with the RAM shown below. Thanks for your help.



Did you buy a set of two, or did you order two individual sticks? The ones you linked are compatible, but sometimes sticks in a mixed set won't play well together. Try booting with just one of them installed, then the other. If it boots both times, you might be able to get them to work by bumping your memory controller voltage a hair. Try them separately first though, just to make sure they work.
Thanks for the reply. I ordered 2 individual sticks. I tried installing a single stick at a time in both slots with the same result. Computer kicks on, then quits, then kicks on, then quits, etc.