I have a 2600k that is currently air cooled with a coolermaster evo 212 in a coolermaster Haf 912 case. It's clocked at 4.5ghz currently. I idle between 37 and 42 celcius on the hottest cores. Prime 95 blend test pushes that up to around 70 celcius on the hotter hotter cores. My REAL concern though are my Amd Hd 7950 reference cards in crossfire. They get HOT. My computer room is like a sweat lodge during an extended game of BF3 in eyefinity. The main card is in the mid 70's during this time. I'm looking to go liquid cooled for the sake of my video cards and perhaps tinkering with my cpu some more. Is this kit decent for my needs? http://www.frozencpu.com/products/16892/ex-wat-220/XSPC... I'm thinking of installing the water cooling and then adding a full cover waterblock to my main gpu. I'm not looking for the insanely cool temps that i'm sure some of the hardcore cooling guys on here seek, just something manageable that won't make the room so hot and MAYBE allow me to up the overclocking a bit. IF I add the gpu block to this kit how do i go about plumbing it in? I'm totally ignorant on this stuff. Also, if i add another gpu block to this setup will the kit be adequate? My second card doesn't get near as hot, but it would be nice to have the cooling for overclocking purposes. Finally, with this kit what kinda drops in temps could i realistically expect?