Question Beginner RC Boat

Hey, I'm looking for sub $100 recommendations for RC boats. Either racing or casual 10-15 mph is fine but faster is also fun! I've checked a few reviews and myself loving WW2 engineering/tech I really liked this...

If there's anything better for under $100 I'd really appreciate the recommendation, thanks! Trying to order soon so I can have it for my weekend off.

Got the suggestion from the boat above from this site.
Hey Wild
Check this 1 Out For Racing. 28 mph

I have 2 of these for me and my son. 18.5 mph
controller range is about a 160 yards.
They're pretty fun, self righting when flipped, very tight turns.
Appreciate the suggestions and will probably end up going for that second one as I've had no issues ordering from banggood and the price is decent even if I end up sinking it lol.
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The only draw back on the boat is the battery plugs are not common rc plugs.

I took the boats and my 8 batteries to a Hobby Town to get the battery power lead plugs boat side changed to a female xt30
And the batteries to male so I can charge 4 batteries on a parallel charging board.
Most expense was the xt30's.
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