News Belgian Retailer Listing: AMD EPYC Rome Considerably Cheaper Than Intel Cascade Lake Xeon

Putting the in cents for the Epyc processors is kind of misleading. It made me think for a second, until I really examined things that the Epyc series were an order of magnitude more expensive than they were. A person that if familiar with server processors pricing and how AMD and Intel usually have their prices, but one not paying attention and/or not familiar with the market could be mislead. Also it really just hurts my OCD that the chart significant figures are so messed up with certain graphs having decimals and others not and even mixup within the same graphs. Might just be me but felt like pointing that out.
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Dec 31, 2014
i'm not even sure what this article is about; there isn't anything about an epyc 7272 on amds website, nor is there anything about a 7252 or 7252p. however, there is information on epyc 7251, and, you can actually purchase a 7251 on
this article provides no useful information, since the products that it is reviewing are all hypothetical, and not available on the market