Belittled Again

Most people actually believe that model numbers are all that matter and don't bother to do any research. Nvidia has caught onto this fact over the past couple of years and is milking it for every cent they can.
lol I think they are pretty good at making their money how ever they can even if it means LYING. well I feel F@#$ed I just preordered a i7 laptop with the gtx280m boy I feel ashamed to even admit that.
Im sorry, but to come after you isnt appropo, and in so doing, he shirked his resposibility as the editor. If theyd presnted the article in a way that said, this is what they both do, and its become the accepted norm, and now, this is what nVidia is doing now, itd been easier to differentiate the 2, instead, they just drag ATI into it, claiming theyre guilty too, and in so doing, lessoning what nVidia is doing
Being in the business, the editor has the responsibilitu to see outside the box, but in this article, they just pushed ahead what they supposedly dont like, by lessoning nVidias greater guilt.

I guess they had to make up the money for those 700$ cards that was so shortlived
^Yeah that is the part of it that really bugged me more than the others. What gets me is nvidia does this all the time and not just with mobile cards.

GeForce 8800 GS to GeForce 9600 GSO

GeForce 9800 GTX to GeForce GTX 250

GeForce 8700M to GeForce 9650M

Should I go on?

Yes AMD/ATI do this rebadging as well but not to the extent that Nvidia does. These chips are clearly not even in the same class as the line they are rebadged to. BUT hey Who am I, right?