Bench marking Question


Feb 19, 2010

In still trying to find the perfect balance on my GTX 1080 so I get a good score in both Superposition and no Crashes in Crysis 3, can anyone please explain when benching their own rig, what the look for specifically, that indicates the current loop is seemingly going to produce a better score than the previous one!?

I managed to get my Superposition score over 4700 @ 1080p in extreme, but my minimum fps was only 39.8 and as I thought the overall score if the minimum fps was higher than the previous loop, it did for the most part mean a better benchmarking score was on the horizon?!

Clearly I was wrong, I do realise there's a lot of factors to take in to account, but wondered if any of you lovely people, guys or gals, would care to she'd your own personal preferences, that's be great!

Many thanks!
Everything isn't heat soaked yet. Electronics just work better when cold. Most background programs load at startup. So they're already in memory and taking CPU cycles all the time. Hit CTL/ALT/Delete and enter task manager, then look in processes. You'll probably see 40-50 things running.
I have noticed that but never really given it too much thought, but why is there a better result when you bench as soon as you boot your rig? And I wasn't aware an Anti Virus can slow things down too?!

And in regards to the ambient temp, I can open the window LOL!!

But seriously, many thanks for replying!!!
Everything isn't heat soaked yet. Electronics just work better when cold. Most background programs load at startup. So they're already in memory and taking CPU cycles all the time. Hit CTL/ALT/Delete and enter task manager, then look in processes. You'll probably see 40-50 things running.