Benchmark issue after gaming?


Mar 20, 2014
I can get a very nice oc without voltage increase with my windforce gtx 770, but after playing a game like bf4 or titanfall, my unigene valley score goes from a 48-49, to locked at 30fps! I've reseated the card, wiped my pc, reinstalled windows, and now my bf4 fps has dropped 10-50 on average. I applied for an RMA; should I go through with it?

I did not mean to sound harsh, but it's easy to get into trouble to try to fix something that is not really an...
Two things, you have 0 need to run a benchmark after playing a game, the correct way to run a benchmark is after a clean boot with nothing else running. What you are doing shows nothing wrong, up until you decided to try to "fix" a non-issue by re-installing Windows.

Second, did you install all the drivers are you re-installed Windows?

Harsh, but a fair set of statements; I installed mobo/beta nvidia drivers. Are their any other crucial drivers I should look into? I am concerned because I've read that some people with gtx 760s (single gnu), are getting better average FPS in bf4… My cpu is a 4570 by the way…

I did not mean to sound harsh, but it's easy to get into trouble to try to fix something that is not really an issue. I'm sure you've read the posts about people that deleted all those extra files in the Windows directory that don't do anything and their system does not boot now hehe.

The other thing, check for benchmarks for your card with your CPU to compare things with. And make sure your game settings are the same. You also re-installed things, maybe the game options are higher now than what you had them. You may be seeing an issue where there is none. Have you ran a benchmark like 3DMark before you re-did the system and have that saved somewhere? Run it again and compare the results.

By all means, I appreciate constructive criticism, and there may be more human error in this situation than I had predicted. My 3dMark Scores are, and have been on par with similar rigs.

So if 3DMark looks OK, is it only BF4 that seems to run slower? I am thinking the new build is using higher graphics settings than you had before. Or possibly the driver settings were tweaked for more speed vs quality before and you forgot you made the changes. If the game runs well even on the lower frame rate, I'd leave things as they are myself.