Question Bending copper heat pipes


Sep 30, 2018
Hey can you bend copper heat pipes without heating it up. I’m working on a project to cool down my Alienware laptop. Also to what point can I bend them.
I will be adding extra heats pipes. My concern is the bending of the pipes. I dont want to destroy the wick inside them. The laptop is in perfect condition I just want to use max settings running cooler.
What will these new copper pipes be connected to?
What will you fill them with? Those existing copper pipes are not 'empty'.
Hi. Sorry for the very late reply, I'm very bussy. I need to plan this out first so I dont know those details yet, I'm certain that I will have to bend the flat heat pipes that I ordered to certain angles. I could use a round object to slowly press against it as to avoid ruining them when bending it into shape but if anyone that has worked on mods with flat heat pipes has any thoughts on how much they can bend before they kink or maybe even a tool that makes the process easier