BenQ 144hz Out Of Range


Sep 11, 2012
I have a very strange issue going on, I recently reformatted my PC and for some odd reason after the format my monitor does not want to run at 144hz refresh rate. Before the format it worked flawlessly and i have absolutely no idea what is wrong and why it will not let me, it simply says Out Of Range. It is currently running at 120hz. I've searched many forums and tried many solutions nothing has worked. I figured i would try my luck here.

Monitor: BenQ XL2411z
OS: Windows 8.1
GPU: Asus Strix GTX 980

Any help with this would be so thoroughly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I'm assuming you only have one monitor and one GPU. Did you install your chipset drivers for your motherboard as well as the latest NVIDIA drivers?
Any help would be appreciated guys, I've called BenQ, Asus and NVIDIA. Nobody can figure it out. I've uninstalled and re-installed all drivers. Nothing is fixing this issue. I don't understand how a monitor can work fine, and then just stop working without being moved, unplugged or tinkered with at all.