Bent cpu pins/ broken cpu symptoms?

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Feb 21, 2016
Hi everyone. Just out of curiosity I was wondering if there is any symptoms or signs for a broken cpu or cpu bent pins (apart from the noticiable physical damage when you actually look at the pins in this case ). For example problems starting up, running programs like video games etc.

on intel cpu and amd they have cpu tests to tell you if there an issue.
make sure on your rig if it a skylake cpu that you have the newest bios to fix the skylake cpu core bug.
in the bios make sure the ram set to the right xmp profile and your not over clocking.

The symptoms of bent pins really depends on which pins are bent and how they are bent. Some pins like power and ground pins not making contact might allow the computer to operate most of the time as there are lots of each. Most other pins would cause the computer to not POST. Also if the bent pin(s) are shorting to other pins, this could cause the computer to not POST, or could damage the CPU and / or motherboard.

So there are no hard and fast rules for how a computer will behave when there are bent pins. It's more on a case per case basis.
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