Bent LGA 1151 Pins


May 3, 2017

So I purchased my Gigabyte Aorus Z270X Gaming 5 Mobo, picked it up.

When playing with the mobo, i accidentally bent about 6 cpu pins. using a mechanical pencil and a needle, i was able to re position them, but when glowing light against the formerly bent pins, the light shade is not consistent, but looking top down, they are aligned. One or 2 pins feel maybe a half mm higher then th rest.

Will my Mobo and CPU still function properly if the heads of the pins are aligned but may not be 100%? Id say they are about 95% aligned now. I know i cant return the mobo and exchange, but i paid $300 for the mobo, and i really dont want to lose my investment the day after i got my mobo. I dont have the ability to test it as I only have the motherboard.

If you are asking whether trying the CPU with the bent pins (assuming it goes in) will harm the mobo itself, then I have never heard of such a thing happening.

If you want to be cautious, you may want to wait for someone to come along who says they did the same and everything was fine.
Well I ruined a brand new ASRock Ivy Bridge Z77 motherboard with some bent pins (don't remember how I did it). I straightened them up to as close as possible to original with rubber coated tweezers and still no dice. Like SR-71 said, it's a crapshoot and a 50/50 chance of working or not. But if you move them, get it right the first time or second time at the most. They are fragile and can get metal fatigue and break very fast.

I know you do not remember exactly, but do you remember if trying the bent pin CPU ruined the motherboard b/c some pins got stuck in the MOBO or did it cause some sort of short that toasted the mobo? I would suspect the former. If the former, and cleowin's pins are still stable and if he was careful, I figure he could try it and worst would happen is the rig won't POST.

Yes, if you look closely, the pins are stable and back to original position, but shining light on them compared to the non-bent pins, its not consistent, so i figured it's not 100% aligned. But i assume as long as all the pins make contact with the cpu pads, it'll still work?

I had no way to know, but I was grounded so I know it was no short. So most likely something happened in the motherboard PCB with the pins. They started feeling loose real quick and knew that moving them anymore would likely snap them off like bending a paperclip enough. The other possibility is that from a near microscopic viewpoint, they still weren't aligned good enough to make a good contact point with the CPU. Impossible to know until it's tried.