Bent Motherboard pin?

PC n00b

Jul 13, 2013
So i was inspecting my new motherboard and I noticed what I think is a bent pin, unfortunatly i don't have a CPU to test, so I came here to see what you guys thought. If it indeed is a bent pin I can just contact amazon and say it was faulty and ask for a replacement. The pin is in the center of the image just below a cut in on the socket with no pins, its the second in from the left at in the middle
My motherboard is a Gigabyte Z97x gaming 7. Heres a pic, sorry its a link couldn't input directly.
Amazon took it no questions, they are already dispatching another one and I just have to drop off the damaged one at a post office! Also junkeymonkey (and anyone else for that matter) that's globalprice's view on returns not amazons, they are just a seller on Amazon
Heads up! I can't view that picture. Anyway if you use a mechanical pencil with the lead removed it's easy to bend a bent pin back in place (as long as it's just a single bend). If in doubt you should just replace though since you can't test it.
Whoops thought the link would work, Ill fix that, I knew I shouldn't remove the cover as I didn't have a CPU ready to install but I being impatient ignored that, if it is bent I paid the price, albeit a rather small one, just need to contact Amazon and request a replacement. To be honest I was careful when removing the cover and have not touched/let anything else touch the pins so I think it's manufacturer defect.

Pic still didn't work..but I would still replace it since you dont even have a cpu for it. It's not worth possibly damaging the system worse and not being able to return it.
I'm gonna try Amazon for a replacement, they are extremely good about RMA/manufacturer defect products so I belive I'll be able to get a replacement quick. Thank you for the quick responses and all the help!
don't know there policy on this but all you can do is try and see ... but if its newegg or someone like that don't get your hopes up -- it sucks but you got to look at it there way on a guy don't know what he is doing and causes this damage and sticks them with the bill--- and intel is easy to goof and have this happen
• CPU - Bent pins

When pins are bent, the processor cannot be inserted into the socket on the motherboard. The damage may be caused by mishandling the processor, improper removal of the processor from the shipping material, or incorrect insertion into the processor socket. This is considered physical damage and is ineligible for return

your best answer is bad info-- thay will see the pins and do just the same or charge you a fee for any repairs or costs for replacement [you need to remove that ]
Amazon took it no questions, they are already dispatching another one and I just have to drop off the damaged one at a post office! Also junkeymonkey (and anyone else for that matter) that's globalprice's view on returns not amazons, they are just a seller on Amazon