Bent pins on motherboad, need to replace


Jan 22, 2016
So I took my pc to the pc store they found a couple of bent pins on my motherboard and told me that i would need to upgrade my motherboard and cpu which is basically the whole computer and would cost up to 600 to do so. I asked why they couldn't just replace the motherboard and apparently it's because itsan old one and replacing it with a more modern one would mean i would have to also update my cpu as well so I asked if I could theoretically replace the motherboard if i could find my exact motherboard on the internet and they said yes. So I searched the internet and can't find it for sale anywhere, it is an asrock h61m u3s3 1155 motherboard, my question now is, could i replace it with an alternative motherboard with the same properties and what would i have to look for to know what would work? If I have to spend $600 to get my computer going again id rather just get a new one.
If the pins aren't bent too badly, you might be able to straighten them back up. I've fixed a number of them with just a razor blade and magnifying glass.
Well I have done a quick search and can't find one.

Also I don't see how it would cost you $600 for both a motherboard and CPU as in my country I can buy a CPU and motherboard for about £250. which is about $356

I did a system upgrade a few months ago and I got an i5 4460 (£175) and an Asrock Anniversary board (£65). Its not as expensive as you think....
Any microATX motherboard with socket 1155 will do.
The H61m chipset with revision B3 should be preferred.

Those boards are at 30 bucks on eBay.
H67m B3 and other 1155 boards should work too. Don't buy a dell, hp, Lenovo board.

Are you sure the pins are bent? Did you try to upgrade the board? It's very unlikely the board failed after several years because of bent pins on the socket.
You could go the bent pin fixing route or just do the easy thing and realise it time to upgrade, nothing to expensive of course but still you can get a socket 1150 board for pretty cheap nowadays then put an i3 in if your a casual user or a i5 if your an avid one.