Bent pins on Sabertooth 990fx board


Feb 20, 2017
Hi all

I have an Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 board and two of the pins in the Front USB 3.0 Header green box are completely bent down pretty much flat and are also touching.

Is there any way at all to recover the situation or is it new mobo time if I want to use the font usb on the pc?

Many thanks.

Best way I've seen is to use a knife or something to get them to stand up a bit. Then get something like a mechanical pencil with thin lead to slide on the pins and try to stand them the rest of the way up. (Sometimes an ink pen can work) know going in breaking a pin is a real possibility no matter what you do. But if you're careful there is a decent chance of a good outcome
Best way I've seen is to use a knife or something to get them to stand up a bit. Then get something like a mechanical pencil with thin lead to slide on the pins and try to stand them the rest of the way up. (Sometimes an ink pen can work) know going in breaking a pin is a real possibility no matter what you do. But if you're careful there is a decent chance of a good outcome


Thanks, hadn't thought of this option. Will try to straighten them first and then pursue this if that doesn't work.