Best 1070 for 299-350?

Many people been saying the these RTX's aren't fully utilized, and won't be for a while. Is that true?

So January 15th all the GPU brands will have theirs out there, or Jan15th, I am getting the Nvidia-base brand?
Not sure what AIB's are. I'm assuming MSI's 2060 is going to be more than 350 though, correct? I'm assuming the major brands will charge more than 350 for their cards at its lowest end.

I've looked at 2070 and 2080 reviews on Newegg and it seems this first batch is really trash, I hope the 60's aren't terrible at launch.
Where are you seeing the 1070 being stronger? The 2060 is ahead more often than not and when not its about even. In The Witcher 3 and Wolfenstien 2 it overtakes the 1070ti. Only in GTA V @ 1080p did the 1070 take a whopping .1 fps lead which is statically equal, as soon as you go to 1440p the 2060 takes a 5fps lead which is right there with the 1070ti.

In that comparison chart like base clock rate, memory bus, etc. I'm asking are some of those differences important or is that overblowing it?

I am convinced on waiting for the 2060, just curious what should I pay attention to if I was you. I am sticking to 1080p so probably good either way.

You can't really compare specs like clock rates when comparing different architectures. When comparing different archs you need to look at performance.

Evga has some of if not the best customer service so that'd be a good place to start. I have recently dealt with Gigabytes RMA Dept and I was not impressed in the least.