Best 1080p gpu value for money

well then id search ebay if on budget get a gtx 670 what im using lovely card using a 4gb model direct cu ii and if you get a job and save up get a gtx 970 honestly if i ever upgrade it will probably be that card but tbh i would not get one right away since new gpus are going to be released soon so that means price drop lol
gtx 970 will give you 60+ fps on ultra settings with almost all games (with anti aliasing turned down). if you want ALL settings , like anti aliasing maxed out, and all the extra special features, youre going to need a 980 ti.

but a lot of people agree that the 970 is the sweet spot for 1080 (I have one and love it)
well then id search ebay if on budget get a gtx 670 what im using lovely card using a 4gb model direct cu ii and if you get a job and save up get a gtx 970 honestly if i ever upgrade it will probably be that card but tbh i would not get one right away since new gpus are going to be released soon so that means price drop lol