Best 1080p GPU


Jul 2, 2013
Ok so I was want a gpu that can run cod4 to the latest and bf3 and bf4 and crysis 3 on at least high ... I was thinking eighter the AMD sapphire dual x 7950 or the msi 760 .. which is better and more 'future proof' even though there is no such thing as future proof, but lets say there is.. which one would you guys recommend?

Well I am builidng a tower PC for the first time, I am 15 and I've been saving up for a while 😛 my configs will be
PSU: 700W Cooler Master B Series 85+ - 155KM (maybe this might be a little overkill, I want to OC in the future so I wasnt sure 😛)
Mobo: Asus P8B75-V, LGA 1155 - 170KM (cant go higher money moneyy no moneyy 😛)
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 4-Core 8MB 3.5GHz Ivy Bridge - 550KM
HDD: Western Digital 1TB WD Blue 64MB - 130KM
RAM: DDR3 2x4GB 1866Mhz Intel Extreme Masters - 140KM (or maybe the hyperX blues)
case: Termaltake Chaser A31 Thunder Edition- 195KM (Nice cable managment :] )
(1 dollar is 1.40 KM) My country isnt cheap :/ had to save up alot... I was thinking of getting the FX8350 and the h100i to OC it to 5ghz.. but the price ends up being the same, becuase I will stick with stock cooler until I get enough dough to get a .. lets say custom air cooler ... 😛

I was thinking the same thing, but maybe there is more to the 760 that I overlooked so I was not sure 😛


Which PSU is good but cheap :3 , I might just get the i5 to save 170 and my PC will cost 1550 hmm good idea .. but im stuck with PSU though 😛