Best $200 Gaming IPS Asus VG23AH vs LG 23EA63V


Jul 10, 2013
I've been looking for a good monitor for a gaming PC. I've asked on here before and narrowed it down to only a few models, but nobody is answering my other threads. So I thought that I'd start a new one.

I was reccomended a few models like the Asus PB,PA,ML series, and a few Liyama's, but unfortunately most of them are either over my $200 limit or aren't available on newegg, amazon, etc..

The only monitor I found on the list the user recommended was the Asus VG23AH, it's $199 with a $20 rebate, and I have a 10% newegg promo code. bringing it down to about $160 in the end, and since I only have $184 the 10% discount means i can go up to about $200 at most.

I've read that IPS is generally better than TN even in gaming. So I've found two models that look good to me


LG 23EA63V

Which one of these do you think is best for gaming? Or is there a better one for under $200?

Newegg says that the LG is an S-IPS (super IPS), but this site says it's an AH-IPS?

And the ASUS is listed as e-ips on and just say IPS on newegg.

The only problem I've heard about with the ASUS is that people can see lines through the screen sometimes due to the passive 3d, and that it can get something called pwm flickering? has anybody had experience with that?
both of those models have 5ms response time which is pretty low.
very low brightness 250cd/m2 lol it will be dark
and standard of 50-75Hz refresh rate.

I advise not to buy these just because they are IPS. As they are even worse than standard LED monitors coming for this price.

Take a look at those monitors at least with
2ms response time
75HZ or higher refresh rate
at least 300-350cd/m2 brightness
for 23"1080p

The VG23AH has 60hz default and goes up to 72,74 or 76hz refresh rate when you choose custom refresh in driver settings so that's not an issue, they're both 23" 1080p so that's not an issue, although you're probably right about the brightness.

There are no IPS monitors with 2ms response, and TN have noticeably worse coloring that i've seen. I've seen reviews that show blue shadows, wrong colors,etc.. The ASUS has the Tracefree overdrive to reduce ghosting, but i've never used it before and don't know how good it is.

So what exactly is worse about these other than brightness and slightly slower refresh rate? Are you saying that you reccomend a TN panel then? or just a different IPS one? or maybe a VA? (even though thay don't make hardly any VA anymore, i might be able to find one)


well Im trying to say, these two options are not that ideal. But Im feeling it would be more expensive if you find better ones.
IPS is ofcourse the way to go, but instead of buying one of these 2 specific low end model, I would go for a higher end TN models.

well Im trying to say, these two options are not that ideal. But Im feeling it would be more expensive if you find better ones.
IPS is ofcourse the way to go, but instead of buying one of these 2 specific low end model, I would go for a higher end TN models.[/quotemsg]

Ahh, i see. Like you said though, that would likely be more expensive, which isn't an option at the moment. I know these aren't "ideal" but i'm wondering what the best under $200 would be until i can get a better job and buy a better one. These two looked pretty good and the ASUS VG was reccomended, I looked at some $1,000 IPS and they're still 5-7ms response time

The only other IPS I looked at was Viewsonic VX2370smh, ASUS VS239h-p
, AOC i2367fh, and Dell Ultrasharp U2312hm

The viewsonic has a bit nicer color but has 7ms response which, even though 5 might be ok, i'd probably draw the line at 7. The ASUS VS and the AOC are 5ms, and the dell is 8 so I don't know what to choose. Right now I'm using a 19" Haier HDTV and i want something better to go with my gaming pc (I5 3570K, GTX 660) and I feel like i could at least
Between those monitors Asus would be my choice I guess :)

but here is my recommendation for a slightly higher price tag.

You said " i guess i'd choose the ASUS" which one did you mean? the VG23AH i listed at the top, or the VS239h-p i just mentioned?

Hmm, i just don't think i could afford them though, I have $184 after buying a $1,000 gaming rig, and I even had to sell my HDTV to get to $184 so sadly I seem to be at the end of my budget. The newegg 10% was a godsend though because without it I'd only be able to get up to $175 + shipping, and now I can go up to $195 + shipping but not really any higher.

What exactly makes those better though?
For example the ASUS VS24AH-P is listed as 5ms (gtg) respone, IPS, doesn't seem to get higher than 60hz. And the ASUS i was looking at was 5ms (gtg), IPS, and 60-76hz. So other than the fact that it's 300cd/2 vs 250 and that it's 16:10 vs 16:9 is there anything else superior about it? I'm just curious, because if I can get over the brightness issue it might not be "too" different, but i could be wrong. Is brightness really that important? does it make a big difference in graphics quality?

Well, since nobody seemed to actually give me an answer on any of the 3 threads I posted, I just gave up and bought the VG23AH -__-

I reeeally hope it's good enough though, because newegg has a horrible monitor return policy, making you pay a restocking fee if you open the box and it looks like crap then return it. I'll let you know how good it is when I get it.
i didnt say you actually should pay more lol... Im just telling you it isnt worth the money to splash on those choice with too low brightness and a standard refresh rate. With the same budget you could get a better quality TN screen. well I wish the world was cheaper sorry...

And I wish that sombody would actually answer the question instead of suggesting options that are out of the question. The closest i got to an answer was you saying "i guess the asus one" but since there are 2 ASUS i was asking about that didn't help much. I'm not trying to be rude, I appreciate you taking time to listen, but I just didn't get any help.

Standard refresh rate? The ASUS i mentioned has 76hz refresh rate, which is actually higher than the 60hz monitors you showed me, the only difference between the two $180 I asked about and the $240 one you listed was a 50cd/m2 increase in brightness, and 16:10 ratio vs 16:9. Not to mention there's no such thing as a 120hz IPS and the 120hz TN's are at least about $300. The only other options are the rare overclockable monitors like the ASUS I mentioned that go up to 76hz, which is hardly standard.

I wasn't asking whether they were worth the money or not, I just asked what the best $200 or less IPS would be. And if cheap IPS aren't worth it then which $200 or less TN would be better. I understand that if you want fantastic quality you gotta pay half a grand, but I specifically said that I was looking for a "decent" budget monitor until I can get the money in a year or so to get a better one.

I didn't have much time until my 10% discount expired, as I'd already been asking around for almost a week. So I just had to go with the only one that reviews claimed was good that I could afford. I ran out of time to create more threads or wait for other people to answer this one. oh well.

So did you buy the LG 23EA63V ? if so what did you think of it ? I play Battlefield 4, etc, and found that TN screens was to bright and the colours was very, very bad, so im looking for at IPS panel screen and is about to buy the LG 23EA63V ..... so would really appreciate your openion!