[SOLVED] Best 2080 Ti for around $2000 AUD ($1400 USD)?

Jul 2, 2019
With the upcoming launch of 3rd Gen Ryzen, I’ve decided to fully upgrade my existing PC. I am planning on getting a 2080 Ti to go with either a 3700X or 3800X Ryzen CPU. Currently, my biggest problem is deciding which card to purchase to go with my setup, I obviously want the highest performance 2080 Ti I can get within my $2000 AUD($1400 USD) budget, whilst still being reliable and running somewhat cool. If anyone could help me decide that would be great, thanks guys :)
It's your Money But.....If i had to pay 1200+usd for a gpu then i expect 4k 60fps rtx on which are not the case.Here the 2080ti range from 25000 to 31000.That are almost double the value of my pc so it makes no sense price to performance wise.If you want the latest and greatest then go for it but i personally would not 😀
The Zotac Gaming Amp cards are nice for the price although you may want to hold off for a couple of weeks to see how the RTX 2080 Super performs as that may save you a considerable amount of money.

PCPartPicker Part List

Video Card: Zotac - GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB GAMING AMP Video Card ($1799.00 @ Scorptec)
Total: $1799.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-04 03:29 AEST+1000
The 2080 super should slot nicely between the current 2080 And the ti, more than likely making it an excellent "value" card. Unless planning on 4k gaming or just having to have the best of the best, I think it'll prove to be a great card. And save you some serious money.

Other than that, depending on case choice, have you considered one of the aio cooler cards? They should fall in the upper end of your budget and offer the best available cooling without going full loop. I can say I'm extremely happy with my 2080, though it is in a custom loop. If the super is better, for the same price, I doubt you'd be disappointed with the performance.
The 2080 super should slot nicely between the current 2080 And the ti, more than likely making it an excellent "value" card. Unless planning on 4k gaming or just having to have the best of the best, I think it'll prove to be a great card. And save you some serious money.

Other than that, depending on case choice, have you considered one of the aio cooler cards? They should fall in the upper end of your budget and offer the best available cooling without going full loop. I can say I'm extremely happy with my 2080, though it is in a custom loop. If the super is better, for the same price, I doubt you'd be disappointed with the performance.

I have considered an AIO card as well. How reliable are the AIO loops? I will be buying a Phanteks P600S
The Zotac Gaming Amp cards are nice for the price although you may want to hold off for a couple of weeks to see how the RTX 2080 Super performs as that may save you a considerable amount of money.

PCPartPicker Part List

Video Card: Zotac - GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB GAMING AMP Video Card ($1799.00 @ Scorptec)
Total: $1799.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-04 03:29 AEST+1000

I was looking into the Zotac cards im just worried about the temps, especially that of the Zotac AMP Extreme which I would probably prefer over the Gaming AMP edition due to looks and performance and wank factor for $100 extra.

I will definitely be waiting until the end of the month until I make a move but I thought that surely the 2080 super cards couldn’t outperform the Ti however, if the performance of the super is close to that of the Ti that would definitely be the most sane option.

Also I can only find one store that sells the AMP Extreme which is scorptec at $1,999 I can only preorder it.
I was looking into the Zotac cards im just worried about the temps, especially that of the Zotac AMP Extreme which I would probably prefer over the Gaming AMP edition due to looks and performance and wank factor for $100 extra.

I will definitely be waiting until the end of the month until I make a move but I thought that surely the 2080 super cards couldn’t outperform the Ti however, if the performance of the super is close to that of the Ti that would definitely be the most sane option.

Also I can only find one store that sells the AMP Extreme which is scorptec at $1,999 I can only preorder it.
The 2080 Super does not outperform the 2080 Ti, but it's somewhat close, and it's supposed to retail for the same price as the 2080 (now discontinued).
It's your Money But.....If i had to pay 1200+usd for a gpu then i expect 4k 60fps rtx on which are not the case.Here the 2080ti range from 25000 to 31000.That are almost double the value of my pc so it makes no sense price to performance wise.If you want the latest and greatest then go for it but i personally would not 😀