i have a z67 mobo with a 2500k . if i was to upgrade the cpu what would be the best chip i could go to using the same chipset ? . as well as is a 980ti a good card to use with this cpu because that is what i'm thinking of upgrading to
i have a z67 mobo with a 2500k . if i was to upgrade the chip what would be the best chip i could go to using the same chipset ? . as well as is a 980ti a good card to use with this cpu because that is what i'm thinking of upgrading to
Honestly the 100€+ investment for a 2600k (the 2700k is the best but massively overpriced for something that is reachable with a tiny oc). Is no longer worth it. The 2600k is on the verge of becoming not enough unless you oc it to 4.5ghz. Really the best thing to do now is oc that 2500k and save up to move to a new system.
MERGED QUESTION Question from Kieran_18 : "what is best second or 3rd generation chips"
i have a msi z68S-G43(G3) i was wondering about a upgrade , i dont want the chip to be too expensive and on the same mobo since it will be too much otherwise. if there isnt a good chip under £100 what about this full system upgrade? (my motherboard supports ivy bridge 22nm)