best 4k gaming build

Might run it
Well, first of all, AA is an intensive algorithm which basically simulate higher resolutions render.

So, at 4k you don't need AA... at all. You will see no difference than a huge FPS drop.

Secondly, 4k is high video memory intensive. Basically a change from high to ultra when it comes to texture can make your game run from 60 FPS to 15 FPS (Shadow of Mordor i.e.).

You need the fastest TI or a dual GPU setup with a minimum of 290x's or 980 GTX's. I would also say at least a 4770k or 4790k for cpu. 16 GB of memory...

Another point is 4k is not entirely 4k, it's more like a multi-display setup running 2 screen glued together. This is due to the bandwith of the cable. It should be something from the past when DP 1.3 will be used.

like about 20 inches