Best 500$ used laptops?

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Aug 23, 2018
Hello,before instantly clicking off because this is another 500$ laptop discussion please notice that I'm asking about used laptops.
So I'm pretty close to buying a new gaming laptop and I've done about 40 hours of research for the past 2 weeks and I'm still researching but I'd like an answer from someone who already did full research and found out the answer.
I'm looking for a used laptop but not used to the point where it's broken,I can exceed my budget by about 50$.
Any help is appreciated,thank you.
I'm not sure about refurbished laptops,and it does get quite difficult to browse laptops without names since I can't access most websites from here nor can I access the App Store for a VPN.

I would absolutely buy something from Dell Outlet, before buying someones used laptop.
But you highlight the problem with recommending a "used laptop". What is actually available in your market?
None of them really suck.
To be honest its impossible to know what's available in the market here without actually going out to the market yourself which is a pretty long bus ride at about 45C*,I'm not saying that anything from Dell Outlet is bad,I just doubt I'll find anything too great that can be bought here in Syria,I just want used ones since they can be new and in great condition for cheap prices.

And it's even more impossible for anyone else to recommend a "used laptop that is available to you in Syria, for $500"

We could list a dozen good $500 laptops...but if *you* can't get them, it is a useless list.
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