Best and cheapest CPU for CS:GO (used under 100$) for +200fps after OC


May 9, 2017
Hello. I'm searching for very cheap and good CPU for cs:go, and play with it on 1024x768 (GTX 960 4GB) on +200fps after OC'ing processor. I have max 120$ to spend on it. I've found X5670, X5680, and E5645. Which one is the best? And how about fps?
I see you play like a lot of the pros that run at low rez on purpose this game, hehe 200 fps you must play with vsync off in any case this game uses 3 threads at most, as long as the cache is not castrated a decent quad even a Kaveri or Godovari should do, but with prices now and new APUs around corner Id wait a bit. Not worth getting previous gen now, if you do intel you have options but for AMD I would wait
If you have the correct motherboard and ram for the x5680(best out of those chips) already and you can get one at a decent price that's a great overclocker, same with the x5670(2nd) you should get +200.. In CS:GO you can set the launch options to (-threads X) X being how many threads you want it to try and use...
I have an i7 2600k and my launch options are -threads 7. CS:GO still relies heavily on good single core performance but you can get that with a nice overclock...
On the cheap, a $60 Pentium G4560 has nearly the same single-threaded performance as a 5ghz i7 2600K, so there's little reason to buy an older CPU and overclock it. OP will want a 7th gen Intel chip, which should come out ahead of even an overclocked Ryzen CPU for this particular task.

Indeed but a b250 mobo and ram are more than $120 + the CPU its like $200...

Just an anecdote but valves source engine cant do more then 3 threads, it was modded by another dev team for goosemans new game to allow 4 but the thread count command in GO wont matter past the engine limits

You can get slightly better single core performance out of the 2500k because it will clock higher. The x5670 has 2 extra cores and 8 extra threads double the cache(12mb), 3 channel memory.

What about OC'ed X5460? Here he gets over 200fps...