Question Best Auto-Overclock Software?

Martin Lomax

Aug 25, 2014
I tend to use Asus AI Suite and it does the OC for me, Im just curious if their is anything better on the market that will automatically OC my system to a stable and great OC?
I tend to use Asus AI Suite and it does the OC for me, Im just curious if their is anything better on the market that will automatically OC my system to a stable and great OC?

Not really, and the best advice is always to OC via the bios. It's the only real way to ensure stability. Ryzen Master for Rzyen chips is decent. And the Asus AI isn't so bad either. They are fun to play with, but for consistent, repeatable results a software OC is not so good.
Do you guys have a really really simple OC guide that i can follow? Im extremely new to this and don't want ot destroy my CPU, ive always used AI Suite and it seemed fine but thought their was posibly something better out their,

Im on a i7 5820k and a Asus X99-A Mobo, 32GB 3000mhz Ram
First things first, make sure you have a quality psu and cooler.

Asus's AI Suite 3 has been the most solid auto OC platform I've seen (when it works properly on good versions and BIOS's).

But I still recommend manually overclocking, or if you want to, use Ai Suite 3 as a baseline overclock, then do your own stress tests to make sure it is stable.
First things first, make sure you have a quality psu and cooler.

That's a great guide for beginners and anyone wanting to refresh on new systems. @Darkbreeze did a great job on this tutorial, and is one I often refer posters to looking to get started.