Best Budget Low Profile GPU for 240W PSU SFF Build?

Jan 24, 2019
I picked up a Lenovo M-series SFF PC for a good deal.
Wanting to beef up the GPU from the onboard Intel HD 4600,
to allow myself to run games at higher FPS with better resolution than say... 400p currently.
Ideally wanting to play on 1080p with medium settings.

This PC will just be a budget gaming rig until I finish my PC build.
Please see below for the specs.

Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor Core: Intel i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Memory: 8gig Ram

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you.

Any more budgeted options, this is going for about $200+
looking for closer to $100+

a gt1030 or rx550 might be nice here. if you considering a 1050 or 1050ti then look into the rx560 and 570 as well. the sales prices on all these cards is super volatile right now with the massive crash from GPU mining and all the new 7nm tech thats going to be coming out this year. Keeping an eye on the price of all these cards for the next few weeks might yeild an incredible deal.