Best budget psu Aus gtx 1070

The antec is an fsp unit , its 'OK'

At the same price as a cx550 though its an absolute no-brainer , just go for the corsair

Have no idea what the cm mwe unit is , load table plainly shows it's group regulated so its likely hec or similar - would steer well clear

Just checked and can also get evga 700b for same price as cx550m which is better?


That antec is not reviewed so we have no idea if it's "OK" , good, or crap. OEM means nothing.

Its an fsp hyper ,plenty of foreign language reviews for it if you look around.
Its an 'ok' budget psu,nothing more nothing less.
If you can grab a TXM gold 550w for $100, definitely.

@madmatt30, yes, there are some of specifically the FSP Hyper (different PSU, although same platform performance and quality may differ), though they aren't carried out by a trusted professional reviewer and electrician , as far as I'm aware.

This is probably the best one (not saying it's good, just better than the rest):

Though still no comments of the internal photos or description, author is unknown (to me at least) and test methodology is also unknown.