Best cooler for the AMD 8350 at a mid size case


Mar 1, 2017
I just built yesterday my new PC and the stock cooler that came with the FX-8350 is quite loud.
Not just is it loud but it also can get quite hot while playing the simplest of games. The RPMs can get up into 5000s often.

I was thinking on getting the Cooler Master 212 Evo; however upon measuring my case width I came to the realization that it may not work. (About 16 cm or so)
My Case: DIYPC Mirage-D1-W Black and Yellow (Newegg link)

I'm hoping someone can deliver me from this wretched noise of a jet taking off 24/7.

Looked at the reviews as was happy, looked at you tube and was even happier. I will be ordering it now and will get back to you once it is installed in a few days time. It appears to have also out performed the Evo 212.