Best cooling method for my PC?


Jun 10, 2011
Hello everybody :) I'm building my first PC at the moment, well I'm having it built for me... Anyway, I wanted to ask about the proper method for my PC, CPU and GPU to be specific. I'm going to be using an Intel Core i7 2600k 3.4GHz (With around 10% overclock), and dual SLI ASUS GTX 560 Ti (It already comes overclocked). So I'm pretty worried about heat issues. I was thinking about getting a Corsair H70 Liquid Cooling system for the CPU, so I'm not too worried about it. But what should I do about the GPUs? I have no experience with this and I don't want to go wrong. I'm guessing the standard chassis model dual fans won't be enough. I don't mind relatively pricey cooling systems, just fyi. If you've reached Sub-Zero LC and $800+ stuff then you've gone too far for my price range :(
I'm eager to hear your expert advice :)


Jun 10, 2011
Yeah I know the 2500k is sufficient, but honestly I do have the money to spend and I do want "the best", plus under the games recommended components for running the game (Final Fantasy XIV) well, is the i7. Sorry I didn't list all my components and name the case! Here it is:

ASUS SabertoothP67

Intel Core i7 2600k 3.40 GHz

Dual SLI ASUS GTX 560 Ti

DDR3 8GB 1600MHz Ballistix Memory

CM Silent Pro Gold 1200W (135mm silent fan, over 90% efficiency)

1 Corsair 120GB SSD, 1 Western Digital 1TB Green

Case: Corsair 600T Mid-Tower Case, Dual 200mm fans .

Hope this helps! & Thanks for being willin to help guys :)
The 2500k isn't just sufficient its THE gaming chip right now,
the 2600 series chips have hyperthreading which is useful for 'work' applications, but if your only gaming/surfing its pointless having and the money saved will be better spent elsewhere like maybe upping the graphics card/cards,
4Gb of ram is plenty too for games
and I'm not in love with that case for ott cooling tbh, which your going to want for overclocking
and as Ta97 said, up the hdd to at least a bluey, black if the moneys no problem
any reason your not building it yourself btw? time/ability/confidence? just curious


Jun 10, 2011
Well the time isn't a problem for me. I've never built a system before and I don't wanna screw anything up so I'm staying on the safe side. And yeah I've decided to go with 2500k instead of 2600k, and blue instead of green HDD :) The case, was recommended to me by an assistant at Fry's Electronics. I was originally going for the HAF-X case, . Please do let me know which case you recommend!
Between the Haf X and the Cm? the Haf everytime
my current build is being put into in a heavily modded inwin dragon rider so I tend to take cases as a starting point rather than a final solution,
but if confidence is the only thing stopping you, be well reassured, its easy (common sense notwithstanding ofc)
read up on build guides/logs on here and other sites,
google things your not sure on, like hmm what if I fry something
/google 'anti static procedures' and although you may see a lot of conflicting advice 'wear static bands!' no dont bother!'
its down to your common sense and caution as to how you proceed but it is as easy as screwing a couple of bits into a case, connecting the right cables to the right thing and always triplecheck your work before applying power, it saves tears and cash later on :p
The hard part of pc work for me is when the damn things on lol I'm hardware focussed,not software capable to any degree other than using it
but building one? its a great way to learn a bit more about your pc and a bonus is,
you are your own tech support :)
here to help if you do take the plunge and homebuild man,
as are a lot of good Toms folk


Jun 10, 2011
Ugh, damn I can't believe you're actually making me think that I can do it :s Well, as scared as I am of breaking something and/or blowing something up, I think I will go for it, do it slowly and carefully. Thanks for all the advice everyone :) Out of all the sites I went to (And I went to many), they weren't nearly as helpful as you guys were! :)