Best CPU for $150 or less


Jun 13, 2014
Hello, im in the process of building a parts list for my gaming/ audio editing build. I've never built a computer before and was wondering if what the best budget CPU I should get for about $150. I'll likely be using a Evo instead of the stock fan unless the stock is decent with the CPU suggested. if stock is okay add $30 to the budget. Thanks for any help :)
Either the I5 with the stock fan so you save 30$ or a 8320FX+212+. I'd pick a I5 over many reasons one performance 2 power consumption(benefits of this cheaper PSU- board requirements)
3rd it just works well for everything not ok for some things and great in others(cough cough my CPU)
Either the I5 with the stock fan so you save 30$ or a 8320FX+212+. I'd pick a I5 over many reasons one performance 2 power consumption(benefits of this cheaper PSU- board requirements)
3rd it just works well for everything not ok for some things and great in others(cough cough my CPU)