cant say that's getting kinda old out dated stuff and upgrading is about at its end of life look how hard it can be to just find compatible memory for 775 these days ..
all you can do is what you can and hope for the best outcome - maybe someone else will chime in and give a better reply on all that
seemed like gta5 has a hard time on todays newer rigs as it is ??
R7-240 is significantly slower then a GTS250. Only real way to upgrade would be a GT740 or R7-250. Not really worth the money though. Better off saving up and jumping into the GTX950 or R7-260X.
if the 950 will support older legacy bios's ? seem like they stated that may not in some cases ?? thing is hes dealing with old forgot about left far behind stuff with that 775 [just a point to ponder] but its also along with the 960 that still fully supports XP ???
your at the point of step up to a fresh today build or just don't do much with todays programs / games ... any games that tend to be cpu bound over gpu is going to hurt
Hey man, the guys here are right about almost everything but you can get something out of your build adding a xeon e5450 and play GTA 5, not on ultra but something with a decent graphic card, may a radeon 260x or 750ti. I believe you are short on money. Check this video out
Im running a C2D e8500 @ ~ 4.0GHz with a GTX 650Ti and as much the GPU is okay for this game ( not ultra settings though) the core 2 duo just can't keep up. Im getting reasonable frames 40-45 but the game stutters because it's just a dual core. I've seen some pentiums and i3s run the game without stuttering but i wouldn't really cound on that so a quad-core is a MUST, believe me. The specs im rocking now were fueled by an ambition to run new games but investing in old hardware turned out to be a huge no,no. Soon im building a complete new skylake based PC. I suggest you save up some cash if possible and really buy something thoughtful. As for a 775 CPU if you really can't afford to do a new build maybe, but just MAYBE look into the core2quads.