Best CPU for playing CSGO and streaming?


Dec 2, 2013
So, I have had this 144hz monitor for almost 6 months now and after every csgo update my frames drop each time, sometimes even below 144 while on all low. I currently have an i5-4670 and a gtx 970. So i'd guess my GPU is fine for now but I am interested in upgrading my CPU. I want to be able to easily maintain 200+ fps while streaming. Any ideas? Thanks.
Turn the settings down. After every update everyones frames drop. The game looks fine in low settings but the newer generations never played source or the original. Either way an i5 should be fine that game is not that CPU dependent. Wait a week after an update and your frames will go up. Are you looked at 299+ when your not streaming?

I am a;ready on all low. And I see crazy changes. Usually the frames fluctuate around 280 but will drop a decent amount to around 144 when I get into an area that is open
well its all about the viewers tell mom you need a TitanX!!! lol

Idk, i don't really play anymore. It started getting funky around the time they did the revolver update, the frames never really got effected before that atleast for me. I run a 4790k but my G3258 which gets smoked by yours does fine with that game. Im LGA1150 btw not sure what socket your on but if your 1150 maybe save up and just grab a whole new motherboard/cpu if you really want to upgrade but honestly unless your rig is faulty I don't think it will help that much.

Do what the other guy said and install afterburner and play for awhile then alt tab and see what its reporting back.