Best CPU For Samplitude Pro X3


What CPU would be best for a Digital Audio Worlstation running Samplitude Pro X3? I messaged the manufacturer of Samplitude Pro X3 to ask if their program benefited more from single core or multicore performance, but did not get a reply. Does anyone here know whether Samplitude Pro X3 benefits more from single or multi core performance? I have my CPU choice down to the 8086K for single core and the 7820X for multicore performance. Does anyone have any information or suggestions for this? Would the lower amount of PCIE lanes on the 8086K be a bottleneck for my R9295X2, 10 TB of storage (two of which are 2.5" SSD drives), digital interface, gaming keyboard, and gaming mouse? Thank you for any help you may offer and have a great day.
This might help you as benchmarks CPU's for Audi Production software:

Overall the conclusion seems to be that Intel are just a bit better as the Ryzen suffer latency issues...I think you can't go wrong with the 8700K and avoid the 8086K which is just a overpriced 8700K...My 8700K hit 5GHz so should be achievable on your side and you will save money and more importantly will provide great single core performance and good multithread performance...But you will probaly understand the article better than I can..

As to bottlenecks for your issues whatsoever on the Z370 platform for the 8700K regarding PCI lanes...2x8 is still more than enough bandwidth before true...
This might help you as benchmarks CPU's for Audi Production software:

Overall the conclusion seems to be that Intel are just a bit better as the Ryzen suffer latency issues...I think you can't go wrong with the 8700K and avoid the 8086K which is just a overpriced 8700K...My 8700K hit 5GHz so should be achievable on your side and you will save money and more importantly will provide great single core performance and good multithread performance...But you will probaly understand the article better than I can..

As to bottlenecks for your issues whatsoever on the Z370 platform for the 8700K regarding PCI lanes...2x8 is still more than enough bandwidth before true saturation..

I should have mentioned that if money is not an issue then the i9-7920X and above will be absolutely the best..but boy do they cost a lot!!!!!

Hope this helps.

For your specific use case the 7820X is better but you have to factor in the more expensive motherboard...though you will get more PCIe lanes and quad channel memory so on balance yes..