Okay, I am looking to upgrade my video card from ancient to merely out of date. I like to be able to keep dozens of windows open on the net and I play some graphics intensive games, but nothing cutting edge. Mostly I am a traditional war gamer (not FPS stuff, those aren't traditional war games) as in turn based stuff so very few games I have or am interested in will press a GPU. Mainly what I want is a nice graphics system capable of handling multiple monitors, with lots of accumulated visual crap so I don't have to close stuff a lot, and without slowing the system down.
Now in a couple years my kids will be getting old enough to play more graphics intensive stuff, so maybe if I could get something that will still run those games adequately in a few years.
Any ideas? The first card I found was the Radeon x1950. I think it is Crossfire and cheap used but I have no idea if that card is best for me.
Now in a couple years my kids will be getting old enough to play more graphics intensive stuff, so maybe if I could get something that will still run those games adequately in a few years.
Any ideas? The first card I found was the Radeon x1950. I think it is Crossfire and cheap used but I have no idea if that card is best for me.