Best driver for r9 380 gb variant?


May 5, 2016
Ok I am facing stuttering issues in most games and after googling I came to know that 2gb vram is causing this also I came to know that for 390 2gb 15.10 is the best driver when it comes to stuttering , is it true ? or are there any better drivers which solve this issue?
Oh and here are my specs
ci3 6100
ddr4 8gb 2133mhz ram (actually its 2444 corsair vengeance but my board only supports 2133mhz)
Asus h110m-k board
corsair 550 PSU
1 tb seagate HDD
I am currently on 16.4.2 and there is lots of stuttering in most games especially Fallout 4 ,WWE2k16 cutscenes, The Witcher 3 (mild stuttering ) Seige (mild stuttering). So are you that 16.3.2 will do the job for me?
I am using 16.5.1 beta and have no problems with Cities Skylines which tends to be very bad for stutter/lag according to comments on Steam. Even with loads of assets and mods with 81 squares I still average 45 -60fps, Until I updated driver I was getting an average of 25fps with my R9 280 X.
I usually update with every new driver that comes out and try it out. If I get a problem I reinstall the prevoius one. I went from 16.4.2 which was a bit better han the previoud driver but still gave a few problems so downloaded this beta and so far have no problems. It may be my imagination (or wishfull thinking) but the quakity of graphics seem a bit better as well.
Cant answer that one! All game time for past months has been on cities which is demanding on graphics and CPU and memory. In me late 60's and cant work mind or fingers quick enough for fast action games!!!
I tried both the 16.5.1 and the 15.11.1 and later seems to be almost lag free ,well it is still there but very much bearable but the avg FPS is lower to compare to 16.5.1 however there is a noticeable lag in the 16.5.1 one