Best FPS games on or off Steam


Dec 2, 2015
I like games that give lots of customization with your weapons and character. Im tried of playing all the small games that have no players and not customization ability's. Please help me out they can be on and off steam and if they do cost money im looking to speed around 30$.

Be wary as those types sites have also been known to rip people off buy selling bad keys. A popular scamming is using stolen cards to buy a bunch of keys then selling them cheap, after the card gets reported stolen the keys get deactivated. Plenty of people still buy games from steam.
I'm a bit unsure with your reference to FPS *and* lots of players. Are you looking for BF4 or an MMORPG ? The player base is older with ages from college to retirement age.

The best game I have come across with regard to weapons which you can craft with various properties and building characters with no limitations (63 skill trees all of which can be mastered) is the Saga of Ryzom. It's F2P up to level 125 and like $10 a month if you want to subscribe. It's fantasy-based, both PvE and PvP, MMO with swords, spells and ranged weapons.

Be wary as those types sites have also been known to rip people off buy selling bad keys. A popular scamming is using stolen cards to buy a bunch of keys then selling them cheap, after the card gets reported stolen the keys get deactivated. Plenty of people still buy games from steam.
True people do still buy games on steam.

I've bought ~50 games on the websites above and not had 1 problem. Also they offer a money back guarantee. But if you want to be 100% safe, steam is the best bet otherwise id recommend the 99.9% safe websites above: :)
Have you tried team fortress 2 or Loadout? Both games have what you are looking for. In fact, Team Fortress 2 is free to play. You may have to get a premium account though. Both games are worth a try.