best fps right now....not far cry2


Mar 7, 2007
whats the best fps right now thats not far cry 2. ive been hearing bad things about destructible houses, retarded ai, linear.

i want singleplayer only.

Linear, how did you come to that conclusion? Far cry 2 is one of the least Linear FPS games I have played.

Granted it's not the greatest game ever created, but it's ok IMO. You'll notice some of the so called critics played it for like 10Minutes then gave up :sarcastic:
The problem with Far cry 2 is that it's trying to be what it's not: a game with an open road, free choice, good story and sand box feel to it. instead of doing that (and failing) they should have focused on the game play and replay value with pretty much made Far cry (1) for what it is. so yeah the game sucked and no there isn't any new game for the fps genre right now.
actually far cry 2 is very linear.... anyway i would recommend stalker clear sky, bioshock(if you havnt played it), fallout 3(not quite a point and click shooter but its very good), its hard to pick good single player FPS, ive head good things about FEAR 2 Project Origin....


There is no `best.' What you enjoy and what someone else enjoys are two different things. There are people who play Crysis Warhead and think it's the best thing ever. There are a few people out there that actually think Farcry2 is the best thing they've bought this year. There are a few people who absolutely will not ever stop playing Fallout3, for like 6 years or more, until the next Fallout comes out. So take everything with a spoonful of salt. You need to choose for yourself. If a game has a demo, get it, try it.

Dead Space is a great game, worth every penny, replayble and takes major advantage of good audio setups.

Fallout3 is a great game, replayble and has plenty of play time for the single player type who wants a good long game to play on. This game is fantastic, giving you the choice to actually be good/neutral/bad through the game and it effect the game (unlike some where it makes zero difference).

Mass Effect is a great game, not the most replayble game, but has a fantastic single player story and is decently long. Beautiful game and very interesting and enjoyable with team based play or solo missions, etc.

Stalker series are great games. Interesting stories, lots of things to do, very open for a gamer to explore.

Left 4 Dead. The demo goes live worldwide tomorrow. Try it for free. It's a fast paced team shooting game. Very fun, very fast. I'm confident it will be one of the next big "online" games that seemingly never stops being played (like how counterstrike has lasted all these years).

Go to or something and look at all the PC games available.

Very best,

+1. Grab the orange box if by some remote chance Halflife 2 and the episodes were missed.

i absolutly loved ss2, i played all the recent graphic updateas of it and deus ex 2. the recent 9.0 update of that...........

awsome gfamelpay...

sorry drunk

uimw aiting for the next fear...

ive played all the stalker updates but i need $ for clear sky....isa it wortth it?

+5 Orange box, HL2 everything is great.

COD4, is very good in my opinion but it's neither new nor non-linar

L4D, although i don't have it iv'e played it on friends computers and its pretty good. Also it is on the Source Engine so it looks oddly like HL2.

farcry 2 is fun, as long as rapidly re spawning guards doesn't bother you too much. The environment is huge and it is a fun game to play. worth about 40 hours if you explore and screw around.

Provided it works at all, even with the 1.2 patch it still needs huge bugs fixed.