Best free backup software for QNAP NAS

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Mar 24, 2012
I am considering buying a QNAP TS-219p II to back up either system images or just folders for 2 different computers, as well as for streaming videos. I was planning on using Windows Backup Utility, but I only have Windows 7 Home Premium, which doesn't support network backup; I'd have to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional, and even then, it suggests I backup my data before I do that.

What are some good, free backup utilities that are compatible with QNAP NASes?

Thanks for any help!

EDIT: Here's a list of backup software that is compatible with my device:
Lifehacker has articles about just that every quarter, and has generally awesome techie ideas all day long!

As for my experience, use Crashplan, it's very free, goes on as many computers as you want, you can even invite your friends to backup your goods to their PCs (epic if you have common hobbies and data). The free version only backs up once a day but eh.


Thanks, I'll definitely look into it! I will only really be backing up data bi-weekly or monthly, so if it's limited to once a day, that works for me!
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