Question Best, fun projects

I enjoy using Kodi installed on my PI. I use it to play music and movies stored on my network server.

I also built a portable wifi hacking computer using an alpha wifi card and a raspberry PI. I just installed Kali Linux.

Currently, I'm trying to make a web cam using a raspicam ($10), and a raspberry PI. The camera works, but I'm going to make it a motion detector that will film birds inside a birdhouse.
Mine aren't original but I have a classic game emulator using Retropie and SNES style bluetooth controllers. I also recently set up another Pi using the Pi-Hole software for a network wide ad/tracker/crap blocker on a network level. Its a DNS filter for your whole network including anything on WiFi. Was real interesting to see how my much my 3 Roku's were connecting to logging servers (they no longer can thanks to this).

I'd also like to set up a surveilance camera system.......just not sure its really economically worth it when the Pi can cost 35 bucks, the camera 25 bucks (official camera) and thats not including power supply, case, etc. Its something I want to look into more.
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Mine aren't original but I have a classic game emulator using Retropie and SNES style bluetooth controllers. I also recently set up another Pi using the Pi-Hole software for a network wide ad/tracker/crap blocker on a network level. Its a DNS filter for your whole network including anything on WiFi. Was real interesting to see how my much my 3 Roku's were connecting to logging servers (they no longer can thanks to this).

I'd also like to set up a surveilance camera system.......just not sure its really economically worth it when the Pi can cost 35 bucks, the camera 25 bucks (official camera) and thats not including power supply, case, etc. Its something I want to look into more.

Everyone should check out Pi-hole imo. It's a good beginner build that's genuinely useful.

I've also been debating setting up IP cameras using pi's, but I keep coming back to price as well. It'll be a fun project though if I ever decide to do it.
I setup my Pi to run as a media streaming box. I have it doing scheduled recordings of live streams I like, as well as running Samba and NFS (so I can read & write to it, from Windows and Linux). Lastly, it can stream to DLNA clients (like my TV) using slimserver (or whatever it's now called). I briefly used a USB -> toslink adapter, to directly play music from it on my external DAC.

I would also consider using one for home automation or a home security system.
For me, the "fun" is not in DOING something with the RPi, but in LEARNING something, using the RPi.

RPi was originally designed as a tool for people to learn programming.

Follow a tutorial to get it to do something you want to try. e.g. set up WordPress, and use it as a web server.

Or, learn a new language you are not yet familiar with - teach yourself Python, or Bash, or ....., by working through a free online tutorial.

If you are more interested in learning hardware, then put together something from
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Pick something thats in line with interests you have now., if possible.
I have one Pi Zero W setup as on Internet radio.
A couple of Pi Zero W's are setup as wheeled rovers.
I have some A+'s with sense hats on them setup as weather station / clocks.
Some 3A"s running Motion Eye OS as survalanc cameras.
Kodi on a 3B+
Another 3B+ setup as a bread board rig for tinkering and playing around.
My build pictures are here if you want to have a look see.!AjOYwiwlwDtpgUN1cjVt4KIi3T7H?e=u7QeiC
It's my public OneDrive folder. I've been at it a while.