Best future-proof videocard for...


Sep 20, 2009
Assuming you want to buy now, there's only two cards out there that are DX11 (future) supported: the HD 5850 and 5870. At 1680x1050, HD5870 will be overkill, so like Jsh1284 said, your only option is the HD5850.


Oct 1, 2009
Yeah I got the 5870 because I plan on buying a 24 inch monitor that runs 1920x1080 or else I'd have waited for the 5850 too. CURRENTLY im playing at the same res you are but I will need more power down the road. Plus the 70 will be able to run those res's in the future very well too. So honestly if you just have the money to spend and want to REALLY future-proof you could go with the 5870 because even at that res, down the road, you'll need moar power. However if you don't have a lot to spend, the 5850 should run that res quite well for a good little while.

Hope that helps!
@ Kornelax: How far into the future are you looking and what are the rest of your system specs? It is all very well saying the HD58xx is the best choice, but it'll be wasted with a low or even medium leval CPU.
Also do not discount the 'current gen', a HD4870/GTX260 (or GTX275 if you want more power) are still fine cards and although DX11 may be the next thing, DX9/10 are going to be around for some time to come, far, far (in computer terms) into the future.


Jun 16, 2009
Thanks for the answers, yeah i really want to future-proof, since i dont plan on changing the gpu in about 2-3 years. I(m buying it around december, so maybe i wait for nvidis gpus to come and compare benchmarks and choose.
^ Sounds sensible to me.
Again, just bear in mind there's no point pairing a dazzlingly fast GPU with a slow CPU, they need to be matched or you will either: Waste money, or suffer poor performance.
By December the 57xx cards should be out, which may make your choice even harder:)