Best G.Skill 16gb(2x8gb) ram for gaming?


Sep 11, 2015
I'm looking for the best G skill 16gb ram for my PC. Just want to fully use the 6gb of my GPU, I don't really plan to overclock unless needed because I'm only in 1080p, and i'll be using only the default overclocking mode of the MSI gaming app if ever needed, don't have much experience OC and I don't want to risk ^_^

Also, is it necessary to overclock your processor when using 1866 and above ram for haswell or is XMP enough as long as your motherboard can handle it?

Current Specs~
Intel i5 4690k
MSI z97 gaming 7
MSI GTX 980ti Gaming
8gb 1600 G.Skill Ripjaws X(2x4gb)
Most of the upper Haswell CPUs can run 1866 at stock, no OC needed, and many can run 2133 (though no guarantees, generally it's from 2133-2400 that a CPU OC may be required. For DRAM and your rig I'd look at the GSkill 2x8GB 1866/9 Ripjaws X or Snipers, the Trident are a little better and more OC headroom in 1866/8 but may cost a bit more 😉
Most of the upper Haswell CPUs can run 1866 at stock, no OC needed, and many can run 2133 (though no guarantees, generally it's from 2133-2400 that a CPU OC may be required. For DRAM and your rig I'd look at the GSkill 2x8GB 1866/9 Ripjaws X or Snipers, the Trident are a little better and more OC headroom in 1866/8 but may cost a bit more 😉
If ever i go for 2133 or 2400, how will i know how much should i overclock my rig to run stable with my ram, and how can i guarantee if i can use 2133 without overclocking or not? Thank you for your answer~
I see so thats what you mean by no guarantee, but what should be the sign, how will i confirm that it is stable with my rig, for example i bought and installed it correctly in my set, where should i check 1st to see if its stable or needs more overclocking? Sorry, i'm a complete newbie.
Thanks for your help tradesman, i think i will pickup 2400mhz trident X 2x8gb, its the only trident X available in store where i can buy, i hope xmp will do the rest, and if not, ill ask for help in tweaking my rig a little abd oc it cause i only have normal hsf for my processor or maybe just underclock the ram.