Best Game to buy/pre-order??

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Oct 1, 2012
So, I've come into possession of a 20% off anything coupon for GameStop.
(I think it does exclude Microsoft points and other things that directly translate to currency.)

It expires this weekend, and I don't know what to get. I'm assuming that I can use it for Pre-orders as well as currently released games and game add-ons.

What game, or game content, should I buy or pre-order?

I typically only play the biggest and best games. These are the newest that I have and play: BF3+premuim, BL2+seasonpass, Halo 4, MW3, Black Ops 1+2

I was thinking maybe Halo 4 map packs, BF4, or maybe Bioshock Infinite...

That's why I posted here. I want opinions, as I have SOOO many options.

I think it depends on the game. I pre-ordered Borderlands 2 on Xbox 360 and Battlefield 3 on PC and have been very pleased with my pre-orders (they both included extra DLC for free)
well, u guys were no help. I read the coupon closer and saw that it only excludes DLC, not Microsoft points cards (which I hope it doesn't classify as DLC) So I'm just gunna by like $100 worth of them for $80 and buy DLC for BO2 and Halo 4
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