best gaming experience


Sep 24, 2014
I want to upgrade my 17 inch monitor to 32 inch monitor.while considering monitor features i stuck in a problem.
Which type of monitor gives best gaming experience?
Ultra wide or curved or flat panel?
I always prefer to play fps and action games.but most of the reviewers said that ultra wide is not good for fps games.
Can anyone help?

Well its about distance . Having 32 inch monitor means that you should shit at least 1 meter far from that ,automatically makes you unconforable sitting on a desk with that monitor.If you place a 32-inch on your desk you have to turn your eyes widely all the time to check right-left and corners (especially FPS games) . That is an easy way to make your eyes tired and probably cause them several problems .

Thats the only reason i recommend 27 inch or less (my optional monitor is 24 inches )

If you are planning to game on controller...
Playing fps games on 32 inch monitor is not a wise choice. Your max-inch choice for monitor for fps games a 27-inches-monitor.
If your pc is very strong for gaming (posting specs would be easier for us to help you choosing the best monitor) , you should get one with those specs:
27 inch monitor
less than 3ms response time
contrast ratio 1000:1

If the price is not a problem you can easily find a great monitor with those specs ( searching for wide screens made me come to that conclusion)
i7 4790
Gtx 1070
I use nvidia inspector to cap frames to 60.
why 32 inch is not good for gaming?
I want a theatre like i prefer 32 inch
My preference only for shooter games and action.

Well its about distance . Having 32 inch monitor means that you should shit at least 1 meter far from that ,automatically makes you unconforable sitting on a desk with that monitor.If you place a 32-inch on your desk you have to turn your eyes widely all the time to check right-left and corners (especially FPS games) . That is an easy way to make your eyes tired and probably cause them several problems .

Thats the only reason i recommend 27 inch or less (my optional monitor is 24 inches )

If you are planning to game on controller via usb then you can use 32 inch and sit on a couch far from the monitor
