I'm going to get a new gaming laptop soon and I'm not sure which is the best one to buy, as there are so many options. Here's what I'm looking for: i7 4600HQ and above, GTX 970M or higher, 1 TB HDD 7200 rpm + at least 128GB SSD, at least 16GB RAM, and preferably in some sort of bundle. Here's what I found so far: http://www.amazon.com/MSI-GE72-Apache-Pro-001-i7-6700HQ/dp/B0150PK3FQ/ref=pd_sim_sbs_147_16?ie=UTF8&dpID=41-UCKN8BUL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=0X9HBXNZWKSF1R5DC99V
My budget is around $1600, so if there anything better? What is my best option? I play League of Legends and Overwatch currently, but I plan to play more demanding games and I would like this machine to last me more than a year or two. Thanks for the help!
My budget is around $1600, so if there anything better? What is my best option? I play League of Legends and Overwatch currently, but I plan to play more demanding games and I would like this machine to last me more than a year or two. Thanks for the help!