best gaming laptop

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May 1, 2012
hi guys, i'm looking for a gaming laptop you can recommend. here's what i'm looking for:
condition: refurbished, used or new, i don't care as long as it works as it should.
price: i live outside the US, so shipping and tax can cost quite a lot. that's why i'm looking for around 750$-800$.
size: up to 16".
GPU: i've seen some "gaming" laptops at xoticpc with intel graphics. i want to focus on a GPU that can get good fps on bf3 on high settings at least. i don't care about resolution, or CPU, as long as it's not bottelnecking the gpu in any way (meaning i can work with an i3 and GTX 770 as long as there's no bottleneck).
that's pretty much it. if you can recommend sites that sell used laptops besides ebay i would be very happy as well :)
thanks for reading!!

The i3 may not bottleneck the gpu but it will choke to desth on bf3 multiplayer. I5 min, i7 recommended (for laptop anyway).

thanks, but can you recommend some sites where i could buy 2nd handed laptops like ebay? i'm looking for NP8150 (clevo P150HM) but it is not manufactured anymore..
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