best gaming laptop

research before you go posting willie nillie. linustechtips did a review of the razer blade and he was running crysis on it on high settings and it only got to about 50 degrees.if you consider how thin it is, it is not overpriced. thats like saying its overpriced to buy a game when there are other cheaper games. alienware, you are paying a lot and what do you get? a clunky, loud, barely-portable laptop with horrible battery life.
I did my research:

(note that this is with a GT555 45W TDP and GT765 is like 75W max TDP, so those 79 C are going to go up quite a lot)

Anyone who thinks a laptop of that size can contain quadcore and a 765 is naive at best. You cant beat logic, and If a review said it was at 50C, thats either a lie or in tweaked situations.

First thing is first, assume worst case scenarios: high ambient temp, over 6 months of dust in the fans, no cooling pad, a non-top tier thermal paste and running Stacraft2 for example.
In that case, im quite sure it will burn down or shut down.

Sure, if the laptop was as good as you say, then the price is fine, but so far there are no cooling solutions that can fit inside that chasis with such horsepower that will keep it safe.
Most of them yes, but there are a few exceptions.
Personally i own a GT780DXR laptop from MSI and so far ive been quite happy with my purchase.
Its Not the perfect notebook, and a lot heavier than the razer blade, but mostly its rather good.

Now Asus Gaming notebooks "used" to be very good, but they had a lot of problems latly (not sure exactly why) when it comes to blue screens and temperature problems.
A review on my MSI model. Oh just one thing about this laptop: you need to use a usb mice. The touchpad can be very frustrating. Also the keyboard is rather stiff (will resist more but needs more pressing power).
Another possible option.